Main Article Content
The study of the psychological aspects of a person and his activities in the context of legal regulation is a legal psychology, knowledge of which is an indicator of the professional competence of a lawyer. Recently, at the intersection of investigative, operational-search and forensic psychology, an independent direction has been developed - criminal psychology, the subject of which is the study of the psychology of the criminal, and his illegal behavior. In this research, the author analyzes the institution of a criminal record through the prism of the psychological characteristics of the criminal, his perception of his own status as a convicted person. The article proposes to revise the basic principles of criminal law relating to a criminal record, in order to protect the rights and interests of a person, to create civil and social institutions with the functions of psychological relaxation and rehabilitation of persons who have violated the law.
Article Details
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- Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act 1994; Federal version of “Megan’s Law” 1996, Pam Lychner Sexual Offender Tracking and Identification Act 1996, Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act 2006.
- Disclosure of Criminal Records in Overseas Jurisdictions. Forensic Advisory. – UK: KPMG LLP, 2019. – 114 р.
- European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS). [Electronic resource] - URL: (дата обращения 24.04.2023). URL: introduction%20on%2015,is%20a%20publicly%20searchable%20 database.
- European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS). [Electronic resource] - URL: (дата обращения 24.04.2023).
- Collateral Consequences of Criminal Conviction. Considerations for Lawyers. Canadian Bar Association. – Ottawa, 2017. – 56 р.
- Hubálek M., Zamboj L. Bezúhonnosta rovné zacházení na trhu práce (Legislativní i faktické požadavky bezúhonnostina trhu práce z pohledu rovného zacházení) / Poradna pro občanství/občanská a lidská práva. 2007. URL: Bezuhonnost.pdf (дата обращения: 24.04.2023).
- Criminal Code of the Republic of Tadjikistan dated 21.05.98. Ahbori Madjlisi oli Respublici Tadjikistan, 1998, №9, p.68-70
- Joldasbaevna, Suyunova Dilbar. "Some Issues of Improving the Criminal Responsibility for Repeated Crimes." CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HISTORY 3.12 (2022): 207-211.
- Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Tashkent. «Yuridik adabiyotlar publish». 2021.p.335.
- Chufarovskiy, Y.F. Legal psychology. Questions and answers. Eksmo Education. Moscow. 2005.
- Ipatov, A.F. Legal psychology. Textbook. Saint Petersburg, 2022. p.5
- Luneev, V.V. Course on world and Russian criminology. Volume 1. Genaral part.Мoscow: Yurayt, 2022.003
- Suyunova, D. J. (2022). Genesis of Criminal Liability Formation for Crimes Against Women in Uzbekistan. OF SIBERIAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, 15(8), 1118-1125.
- /
-;-66&pos2=1461;-62 (date of access:25.04.2018)
- (date of access: 25.04.23)
-,detentions%2C%20convictions%2C%20and%20more. (date of access: 24.04.23)
Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act 1994; Federal version of “Megan’s Law” 1996, Pam Lychner Sexual Offender Tracking and Identification Act 1996, Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act 2006.
Disclosure of Criminal Records in Overseas Jurisdictions. Forensic Advisory. – UK: KPMG LLP, 2019. – 114 р.
European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS). [Electronic resource] - URL: (дата обращения 24.04.2023). URL: introduction%20on%2015,is%20a%20publicly%20searchable%20 database.
European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS). [Electronic resource] - URL: (дата обращения 24.04.2023).
Collateral Consequences of Criminal Conviction. Considerations for Lawyers. Canadian Bar Association. – Ottawa, 2017. – 56 р.
Hubálek M., Zamboj L. Bezúhonnosta rovné zacházení na trhu práce (Legislativní i faktické požadavky bezúhonnostina trhu práce z pohledu rovného zacházení) / Poradna pro občanství/občanská a lidská práva. 2007. URL: Bezuhonnost.pdf (дата обращения: 24.04.2023).
Criminal Code of the Republic of Tadjikistan dated 21.05.98. Ahbori Madjlisi oli Respublici Tadjikistan, 1998, №9, p.68-70
Joldasbaevna, Suyunova Dilbar. "Some Issues of Improving the Criminal Responsibility for Repeated Crimes." CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HISTORY 3.12 (2022): 207-211.
Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Tashkent. «Yuridik adabiyotlar publish». 2021.p.335.
Chufarovskiy, Y.F. Legal psychology. Questions and answers. Eksmo Education. Moscow. 2005.
Ipatov, A.F. Legal psychology. Textbook. Saint Petersburg, 2022. p.5
Luneev, V.V. Course on world and Russian criminology. Volume 1. Genaral part.Мoscow: Yurayt, 2022.003
Suyunova, D. J. (2022). Genesis of Criminal Liability Formation for Crimes Against Women in Uzbekistan. OF SIBERIAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, 15(8), 1118-1125. /;-66&pos2=1461;-62 (date of access:25.04.2018) (date of access: 25.04.23),detentions%2C%20convictions%2C%20and%20more. (date of access: 24.04.23)