Main Article Content
The article widely uses logical, inductive, deductive, systematic, logical-legal, comparative-legal research methods. In particular, among the signs of the objective side of the crime, the method of committing the crime has its own importance, and any crime is committed in a certain way. The method of committing a crime is a form of external expression of a socially dangerous act, and in most cases, the legislator considers the method as a necessary or aggravating sign of the crime in the criminal legislation. The analysis of the articles of the Special part Criminal Code shows that the method of committing a crime is expressed by the legislator in two forms in the criminal law. The first is as a form of a socially dangerous act, while the second is considered independently. As an example of the first, articles 110, 118, 119, 164 of the Criminal Code can be given. In the disposition of these articles, words such as "torture", "killing or threatening with the use of force", "use of force", "intimidation with the use of force" represent the method of committing the crime. As an example of the latter, articles 166, 168 and 169 can be cited. At the same time, the doctrine of criminal law and existing scientific research were analyzed, and reasonable theoretical recommendations were developed in this regard. At the same time, the theoretical and practical problems related to the method of committing crime and its types were highlighted, and the results of the survey on the introduction of the norm related to the structure of the crime into the criminal legislation were reflected, and in this regard, specific proposals and recommendations were developed for improving the criminal legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Article Details
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. UNODC, Global Study on Firearms Trafficking, 2020 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.20.IV.1). Available:
. "Po dannym OON, 821 million chelovek ispytyvayut nedostatok pishchi, pri etom tret' vsey pishchi v mire ukhodyat v musor," United Nations, Jul. 2019. Available:
. UNODC, available at:
. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "On the New Development Strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026," No. PD-60, Feb. 28, 2022. Available:
. Kurs Ugolovnogo Prava. Obshchaya Chast'. Tom 1: Uchenie o Prestuplenii, N. F. Kuznetsova and I. M. Tyazhkova, Eds. Moscow: IKD Zertsalo-M, 2002, p. 256.
. S. S. Nayimov, "Theoretical and Practical Issues of Qualification of the Crime in Competition of Criminal Legal Norms," Ph.D. dissertation, Tashkent, 2006, p. 77.
. Ugolovnoe Pravo. Obshchaya Chast': Uchebnik, 2nd ed., L. V. Inogamova-Khegay, A. I. Rarog, and A. I. Chuchayev, Eds. Moscow: Law Firm "Contract": INFRA-M, 2005, p. 65.
. L. A. Prokhorov and M. L. Prokhorova, Ugolovnoe Pravo: Uchebnik. Moscow: Yurist, 1999, p. 41.
. M. H. Rustambayev, Kurs Ugolovnogo Prava Respubliki Uzbekistan. Tom I: Uchenie o Prestuplenii: Uchebnik, 2nd ed. Tashkent: Military-Technical Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2018, p. 169.
. R. Kabulov, A. A. Otajonov, et al., Jinoyat Huquqi. Umumiy Qism: Darslik, 2nd ed. Tashkent: Ministry of Internal Affairs Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2012, p. 133.
. M. Usmonaliev and P. Bakunov, Jinoyat Huquqi. Umumiy Qism: Darslik. Tashkent: Nasaf, 2010, p. 189.
. A. Yu. Epikhin, Kvalifikatsiya Prestupleniy: Uchebnoe Posobie. Syktyvkar: Syktyvkar State University, 2005, p. 25.
. Archive Materials of Chilonzor District Court on Criminal Cases of Tashkent City, Criminal Case No. 1-477/09, 2018.
. Archive Materials of Shaikhontohur District Court on Criminal Cases of Tashkent City, Criminal Case No. 1-470-2011, 2018.
. V. B. Malinin and A. F. Parfenov, Ob'yektivnaya Storona Prestupleniya. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Law Institute (St. Petersburg), 2004, p. 257.
. Archive Materials of Tashkent Regional Court, Criminal Case No. 4-22/06, 2018.
. S. Niyozova, Kuchli Ruhiy Hayajonlanish Holatida Qasddan Odam O'ldirganlik Uchun Jinoyiy Javobgarlik. Tashkent: TSIL Publishing House, 2005, p. 9.
. R. Kabulov, A. A. Otajonov, et al., Jinoyat Huquqi. Umumiy Qism: Darslik, 2nd ed. Tashkent: Ministry of Internal Affairs Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2012, p. 136.