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The article presents views on the prospects for improving international cooperation in the fight against drug addiction, problems of drug use and psychotropic substances and their negative consequences. Also, an analysis of international legal acts on combating drug addiction is given
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- . UNODC, Addiction, crime and insurgency: the transnational threat of Afghan opium, 2009. Р. 27.
- . World Drug Report // United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)/ /ru/development/surveys/drugs. shtml
- . Мацкевич И.М., Зарипов З.С. Наркотики в России и мире. Криминологические очерки. – М., 2009. – С. 7.
- . World Drug Report // United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)/ /ru/development/surveys/drugs. shtml
- . Лига Наций: история создания и результаты работы. РИА Новости //
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- . Resolution of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 24, 1995 No. 30-I "On Accession to the Single Convention on Drugs". // Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1995, No. 4, article 37.
- . Resolution of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 24, 1995 No. 31-I "On Accession to the Convention on Psychotropic Substances". // Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1995, No. 4, article 38.
- . Resolution of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 24, 1995 No. 32-I "On accession to the United Nations Convention on Combating Illicit Trafficking of Drugs and Psychotropic Substances." // Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1995, No. 4, article 39.
- . Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 19, 1999 "On drugs and psychotropic substances". It was implemented by Resolution No. 814-I of the Oliy Majlis of December 15, 2000. // Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1999, No. 9, article 210.
- . 11.
- . Определение терминов //
- . Narcotic Drugs: Estimated World Requirements for 2011; Statistics for 2009 (United Nations publication, Sales No. T.11. XI.2); Psychotropic Substances: Statistics for 2009 – Assessments of Annual Medical and Scientific Requirements for Substances in Schedules II, III and IV of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 (United Nations publication, Sales No. T. 11. XI. 3).
- . Доклад Международного комитета по контролю над наркотиками за 2010 г. //
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- . Информационный бюллетень о наркоситуации центральноазиатский регион .Ташкент-2015.-С.55.
- . S.S.Niyozova. Prevention of Crime in the Family and the Role of Victimology in the Republic of Uzbekistan. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 3, (2020), p. 3962.
- . Niyozova Salomat Saparovna. Strong Emotional Arousal (Effect) As A Criminal Law Norm. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology (ISSN – 2693-0803) Published: March 31, 2021 | Pages: 96-102 Doi: 03 Issue p. 03-15.
. UNODC, Addiction, crime and insurgency: the transnational threat of Afghan opium, 2009. Р. 27.
. World Drug Report // United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)/ /ru/development/surveys/drugs. shtml
. Мацкевич И.М., Зарипов З.С. Наркотики в России и мире. Криминологические очерки. – М., 2009. – С. 7.
. World Drug Report // United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)/ /ru/development/surveys/drugs. shtml
. Лига Наций: история создания и результаты работы. РИА Новости //
. Resolution of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 24, 1995 No. 30-I "On Accession to the Single Convention on Drugs". // Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1995, No. 4, article 37.
. Resolution of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 24, 1995 No. 31-I "On Accession to the Convention on Psychotropic Substances". // Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1995, No. 4, article 38.
. Resolution of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 24, 1995 No. 32-I "On accession to the United Nations Convention on Combating Illicit Trafficking of Drugs and Psychotropic Substances." // Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1995, No. 4, article 39.
. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 19, 1999 "On drugs and psychotropic substances". It was implemented by Resolution No. 814-I of the Oliy Majlis of December 15, 2000. // Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1999, No. 9, article 210.
. 11.
. Определение терминов //
. Narcotic Drugs: Estimated World Requirements for 2011; Statistics for 2009 (United Nations publication, Sales No. T.11. XI.2); Psychotropic Substances: Statistics for 2009 – Assessments of Annual Medical and Scientific Requirements for Substances in Schedules II, III and IV of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 (United Nations publication, Sales No. T. 11. XI. 3).
. Доклад Международного комитета по контролю над наркотиками за 2010 г. //
. Информационный бюллетень о наркоситуации центральноазиатский регион .Ташкент-2015.-С.55.
. S.S.Niyozova. Prevention of Crime in the Family and the Role of Victimology in the Republic of Uzbekistan. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 3, (2020), p. 3962.
. Niyozova Salomat Saparovna. Strong Emotional Arousal (Effect) As A Criminal Law Norm. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology (ISSN – 2693-0803) Published: March 31, 2021 | Pages: 96-102 Doi: 03 Issue p. 03-15.